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The Minimum Viable Product, an approach to maximize your value as a BA?

Can the Minimum Viable Product concept be applied to Business Analysts?

In the startup world and in many Agile methodologies, the minimum viable product (also known as an MVP) is a key concept that helps contributors to focus on building features that create the most value to customers early in the product creation process. It provides guidance to the implementation team so that they don’t forget the customer objectives toward the product and fall for the HDD (hype... is dead. Long live Eric the BA!

The short version if you don’t have much time: I decided to migrate my blog from to (my real name… how original!) That’s it! Nothing else will change for you, except a new design for the blog and the fact that this newsletter will soon come from my new site address. You can also expect some glitches on the blog as I complete the migration...

7 Lists to get things done as a Business Analyst

For a long time, I had difficulties using my lists effectively. I had a lot of lists to manage various aspects of my work, but it was hard for me to extract useful data from those lists. Moreover, I had so many lists that even though I had created those lists to help me, I was spending too much time trying to find the right list to get the information I needed. In the end, many of those lists...

Discover your Thinking Style and how to use it for better collaboration with your stakeholders

Using Thinking Styles for better collaboration

Most of Business Analysis is about communication & collaboration . I even used to tell my students that our job was 80% communication / 20% analysis! This involves a lot of soft skills in order to be able to identify the best ways to interact with our business & IT stakeholders. This knowledge of your stakeholders is critical if you want to tailor your BA approach and optimize your work. One of...

Eric’s Business Analysis Reading List #17

Eric the BA Business Analysis Reading List

It’s been a very long time since the last edition of my Reading List. So long that I have over 30 articles in my waiting list (which means I could publish 6 or 7 editions right now!). So long that the 16th edition was published almost one year ago 🙂 But the wait is now over! After spending some time to redesign the website, I started publishing new articles back in November, and I have new ones...

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Eric Provost

Making sense out of chaos as a BA & UX specialist

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