
The Minimum Viable Product, an approach to maximize your value as a BA?

Can the Minimum Viable Product concept be applied to Business Analysts?

In the startup world and in many Agile methodologies, the minimum viable product (also known as an MVP) is a key concept that helps contributors to focus on building features that create the most value to customers early in the product creation process. It provides guidance to the implementation team so that they don’t forget the customer objectives toward the product and fall for the HDD (hype...

Starting a Business Analysis Community of Practice : tips from the community

Starting a Business Analysis Community of Practice : tips from the community

Since I took a break from teaching last year, I try to fulfill my urge of sharing my knowledge about Business Analysis through this blog and I hope you enjoy it! However, I’m missing face to face interaction with real people (or really, just interactions… because you guys are not very prone to commenting my posts πŸ™‚ ). A few months ago, I figured out I could fix this by trying to...

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Eric Provost

Making sense out of chaos as a BA & UX specialist

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