
You are not the user : 4 tips to elicit better requirements

I recently had the chance to spend half a day with some customer service representatives (CSR) in one of my organization’s call centers, in order to get a better grip on their work and to see how they interact with the multiple systems available to them to better serve our customers. I didn’t answer any customer call (God bless them!), but I sat next to my assigned CSR with my headset...

10 checklists for the Business Analyst

A good checklist can boost your productivity; imagine what 10 checklists can do for you!

I’ll admit it: I love checklists. They allow me to stay productive and organized in my professional life as well as in my personal life. I’m organizing my work following the Getting Things Done principles for a few years now, and lists are now a way for me to perform a continuous brain dump so that I can focus on things that really matter, without losing any important ideas...

Visual requirements are not optional for a BA

Being able to visually represent business requirements (like business processes, data structures or user interfaces) is one of the most important techniques a Business Analyst must learn to master. It is critical to establish solid foundations on which you can work to elicit business and system requirements (among other things). After all, don’t we say that an image’s worth a thousand...

The Busy BA Reading List, July 23rd 2014 edition

Clock and office buildings

Too busy to crawl the web for interesting Business Analysis content? Not interested by social networks noise? Twice a month, the Busy BA Reading List brings you the best Business Analysis articles and websites I came across while surfing the Internet. Hey there! Summer is very nice this year, which keeps me away from the computer. But don’t worry, this edition is filled with...

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Eric Provost

Making sense out of chaos as a BA & UX specialist

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