Finally, I get some time to publish something on Eric the BA! In the past weeks, we adopted a small dog, I was asked to be an invited speaker for students at HEC Montréal, and I had complete my students evaluations for the semester (I almost forgot that we also taught our twins to bike without support wheels!).
I have some ideas to share my conference with you in the next weeks, but in the meantime, here is the newest edition of the Busy BA Reading List, focused on Business Analysis skills (the ones you need to become a BA, and the ones you should develop to become better at it).
Too busy to crawl the web for interesting Business Analysis content? Not interested by social networks noise? At least once a month, the Busy BA Reading List brings you my own review of the best Business Analysis articles and websites published recently.
From Eric the Business Analyst
In case you missed them, these posts were published since the last edition of the Busy BA Reading List:
- The Junior Business Analyst Manifesto (read by over 350 visitors in less than a week after publishing!)
- System upgrades should be about business needs first (which generated many interesting discussions on various LinkedIn groups)
- The Family BA: prioritizing requirements for the tax season
- New amazing Business Analysis resources available at Eric the!
Climbing the ladder to a senior BA position throught communication
I came across an interesting post which highlights two dimensions of communication that you need to focus on in order to become a better BA. We already knew that communication is one of the main skills you’ll need as a BA, but The Analyst suggest that you need to focus on knowing your audience, and choosing the best medium, in order to make communication more efficient.
Building strong BA foundations with communication
Starting a career as a Business Analyst can be challenging. As a part of his “What does it take to become a BA” series, George Bridges brings some interesting insight on why communication is important for a BA, but also on how it reflects on his day to day work.
Skills in a box for the Business Analyst
I love checklists; my BA Resources page and my BA Checklist to rule them all are good examples of it. I recently came across 2 other interesting checklists about BA skills; unsurprisingly, both of them highlight the importance of communication in a Business Analyst role.
Stephanie Famuyide sees Business Analysis as the culmination and interplay of diverse skills: problem solving, communication & creative skills. On the other hand, Angela Wick explains how the latest trends in organizations (ie agility, innovation, and stakeholders involvement) influence Business Analysis skills, and gives us 10 skills that you should develop to adapt to these trends.
Do you like what you’re reading?
If you’re still looking for more information on Business Analysis skills, I have some posts that could be helpful. Go ahead and continue your visit 🙂
Did you come across other interesting business analysis content recently? Share it with us in the comments below!
Image credits: genkaku @