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Prioritizing elicitation with knowledge boards

I’m a big fan of lists & personal productivity approaches to optimize the way I work. When I came across this article about knowledge boards from the Nielsen Norman Group (NNG), I couldn’t resist to share it with my readers! As Business Analysts & UX experts, we have to manage a lot of knowledge through our various projects. In order to be more efficient, NNG suggests that we...

User feedback made easy

I take a lot of notes about articles I reading, and I find it sad to keep them for myself. So, I’m trying a new type of blog post to make this content available to you: the Chaos Nuggets! It’s a summary of the key elements I found in one or many articles, that you can apply right now in your own context. Hope you’ll enjoy this first one about user feedback! You don’t need...

How to use a diary study experiment to improve your own UX & BA journey

A diary study can be incredibly powerful to be a better UX & BA expert

I’m a big fan of continuous improvement everywhere – at home, at work, or for myself. When I have the feeling that things are going out of control, I love to try new things or apply techniques from my toolbox. Needless to say, with my new job as a BA within a UX team, it happens often 🙂 I recently came across an old article about the ultradian rhythm – the rhythm by which the...

Are Business Analysts UX experts in disguise?

Lion hidden in brown grass

A few months ago, I was given the opportunity to start working as a Business Analyst in the User Experience (UX) team of the digital lab of the most important Canadian insurance company. One of my first challenges was to understand what I could bring to researchers, designers, strategists and other UX experts in the team – special thanks to my boss who saw it before hiring me 🙂 ! The first...

How do you get Technical Experience as a BA?

Many BA job posts require applicants to have some kind of experience with specific business software, such as ERPs, CRMs or other specialized software.  However, it can be a questionable requirement for a job post. Laura Branderburg’s post on “Why do we see technical skills in business analyst jobs?” and Jonathan Babcock’s post on “Four Key Knowledge Areas for Business Analysts“ are sharing...

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Eric Provost

Making sense out of chaos as a BA & UX specialist

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