Eric’s Business Analysis Reading List #11

I did it! I succesfully completed my CBAP certification exam at the beginning of the month, becoming one of the 1000 certified Canadians. This is a great accomplishment for me, and I’ll use it as a launchpad for a lot of new projects for this blog in 2016.

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Our not-yet-started-but-almost-finished winter gives me a lot of time to read, so even while I was studying for the CBAP exam, I was able to prepare a nice list of interesting content for your reading pleasure.

Too busy to crawl the web for interesting Business Analysis content? Not interested by social networks noise? Once a month, Eric’s Business Analysis Reading List brings you a review of some of the best Business Analysis articles and websites.

From Eric the

In case you missed them, here are the most recent and most popular posts since the last edition of Eric’s Business Analysis Reading List:

From the Web

1Why do we need Business Analysts? The answer to this dreaded question seems obvious to this blog’s readers, but it is still too often heard in organizations. Jeffrey Davidson does a great job at answering it by providing facts and figures that you could reuse if you have to answer this question again.

2Technology is everywhere these days, so solutions to our business problems should probably be based on technology too, right? Nope, even if it’s everyone first thinking. When I ask my students to find solutions to optimize a business process, they usually come up with new systems, while many solutions are process- or people-oriented. Teresa Bennett goes in the same direction in this article .

3It’s not always about technology, but it’s often related to it. Business Analysis often has an IT flavor (link to 4 typs of BA), meaning that BAs have to have system-thinking skills to better fulfill their roles. Laura Brandenburg explores the role of the IT Business Analyst in this excellent post.

4Business analysis is a relatively young profession, and it changes on a continuous basis. Angela Wicks goes back 15 years ago (I was finishing high school!) to compare how the BA environment has evolved over the years, giving us some hindsight on how it can change in the next 15 ones.

5Is business architecture, business analysis? Even though many people makes a well-defined difference between the two, I agree with Teresa Bennett who explains that it is mainly a difference of focus that draws the line between both (ie the architect focus is at the foundation level of an organization, while the analyst focuses on the current solution being implemented).

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By Eric Provost

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Eric Provost

Making sense out of chaos as a BA & UX specialist

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